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Farrakan is the modern day American Antichrist.Why do I say that? The Antichrist is a religious leader who denies that God has a Son.All of Islam denies this but only Farrikan sends His people into African American Churches to disrupt and influence what is preached and taught in the Black Churches.Farrakan is the most dangerous man in America, because He has no fear of The God of the bible. He has the nerve to come into His church and lambast Gods Servants and terrorize them and threaten them to pay the jitzah or have your church burned down. Never is it plainly said but it is implied. This battle between God and Antichrist is inevidable. In order to keep the Church free from outside influences, the church must stand still and see the glory of the Lord Jesus. This is His church. You have the nerve to terrorize His house? The Lord Jesus will show you who Is God. He will defend His people from you Farrakan.And all the earth will know that Jesus is Lord by what He does for you who have the guts to threaten His people.